dc.creatorFritzen C.
dc.creatorCabral G.S.
dc.identifierRevista Brasileira De Educacao. Revista Brasileira De Educacao, v. 19, n. 57, p. 329 - 347, 2014.
dc.descriptionHaving as general scope the study of children's literature and reading during the period of Getu´lio Vargas, this article studies the work done by the Children's Literature National Committee (CNLI) and its understanding of this kind of reading. The analysis shows how much the perspective of those intellectuals was determined by the tensions between the playful and the pedagogical. After that, the paper discusses the pedagogical innovation proposed by the movement called Escola Nova and its affinities with the concept of literary reading proposed by the Committee. Finally, the text analyses the book Rute e Alberto resolveram ser turistas (1938), by Ceci´lia Meireles. We observed that, in this eminently pedagogical book, the author evidenced her links with the values promoted by Escola Nova and tried to use some literary devices, such as character creation, setting, dialogues, and narratives, but was unable to solve the complex dynamics of teaching and playfulness. The result is a work which, in comparison with other works by Meireles, is below her literary achievements.
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dc.descriptionLoˆbo, Yolanda Lima
dc.descriptionMignot, Ana Chrystina Venancio. Ceci´lia Meireles: a poe´tica da educac¸ão, , Rio de Janeiro: PUC-Rio
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dc.descriptionLoˆbo, Yolanda Lima
dc.descriptionMignot, Ana Chrystina Venancio. Ceci´lia Meireles: a poe´tica da educac¸ão, , Rio de Janeiro: PUC-Rio
dc.publisherRevista Brasileira de Educacao
dc.relationRevista Brasileira de Educacao
dc.titleRute E Alberto Resolveram Ser Turistas: Literary Reading For Children During The Vargas Period [rute E Alberto Resolveram Ser Turistas A Leitura Litera´ria Para Crianc¸as No Peri´odo Vargas]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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