dc.creatorFranca Jr. M.C.
dc.creatorDeus-Silva L.
dc.creatorDe Castro R.
dc.creatorGaribaldi S.G.
dc.creatorPfeilsticker B.H.M.
dc.creatorNucci A.
dc.creatorMarques Jr. J.F.C.
dc.identifierArquivos De Neuro-psiquiatria. , v. 63, n. 3 B, p. 772 - 775, 2005.
dc.descriptionThere are few papers devoted to geriatric Guillain-Barré (GBS) and many related issues remain unanswered. Objective: To describe clinical, electrophysiological and therapeutic features in this age. Method: Clinico-epidemiological data and therapy of GBS patients older than 60 years were reviewed. Hughes scores were used to quantify neurological deficit and define outcome. Results: Among 18 patients (mean age 64.8 years), 9 had evident prodrome and 80% noticed initially sensory-motor deficit. Demyelinating GBS was found in 8 and axonal in 6 subjects. There was one Miller-Fisher and 3 unclassified cases. Plasmapheresis (PFX) was single therapy in 12 patients and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) in 2. Disability scores just before therapy were similar in both groups, so as short and long term outcome. Conclusion: Axonal GBS seems to be more frequent in the elderly and this may have prognostic implications. PFX and IVIg were suitable options, but complications were noticed with PFX. Prospective studies are needed to better understand and manage GBS in the elderly.
dc.description3 B
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dc.relationArquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria
dc.titleGuillain-barré Syndrome In The Elderly: Clinical, Electrophysiological, Therapeutic And Outcome Features
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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