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H2 Norm-oriented Statcom Tuning For Damping Power System Oscillations
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Electric Power Components And Systems. , v. 33, n. 12, p. 1363 - 1383, 2005.
Castro M.S.
Da Costa V.F.
Da Silva L.C.P.
Nassif A.B.
This work is mainly concerned with the effects of the static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), a flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) controller, on small-signal power system angle stability. This investigation is carried out for both inter-area and local oscillations mode. The study is based on the investigation of the eigenvalues of the linearized power system models in the framework of dynamic bifurcation theory. The tuning method of the STATCOM gains aiming the H2 norm minimization is briefly explained, and the presented simulation results are sufficient to provide a comprehensive analysis of the effects of this controller for damping power systems low frequency electromechanical oscillations. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Inc. 33 12 1363 1383 Kundur, P., (1994) Power System Stability and Control, , New York: McGraw-Hill De Mello, F.P., Concordia, C., Concept of synchronous machine stability as affected by excitation control (1969) IEEE T-PAS, 88, pp. 316-329 Larsen, E.V., Wann, D.A.S., Applying power system stabilizer, parts I-III (1981) IEEE T-PAS, 100, pp. 3017-3046 Hingorani, N.G., Gyugyi, L., (2000) Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems, , New York: IEEE Press Gyugyi, L., Converter-based FACTS controllers (1998) IEE Colloquium, pp. 1-11. , 23 Nov Nassif, A.B., Kopcak, I., Da Costa, V.F., Da Silva, L.C.P., Comparative analysis of SVC and STATCOM for damping power system low frequency electromechanical oscillations (2003) 7th Brazilian Congress of Power Electronics, pp. 646-650 Li, C., Jiang, Q., Wang, Z., Retzmann, D., Design of a rule-based controller for STATCOM (1998) Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE, 1, pp. 467-472. , Industrial Electronics Society, 1998, IECON '98, 31 Aug.-4 Sept Haque, M.H., Improvement of first swing stability limit by utilizing full benefit of shunt FACTS devices (2004) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 19 (4), pp. 1894-1902 Rahim, A.H.M.A., Ai-Baiyat, S.A., Maghrabi, H.M.A.C., Robust damping controller design for a static compensator (2002) IEE. Proc.-gener. Transm. Distrib., 149 (4), pp. 491-496 Ying, Y., Chen, J., Han, Y., STATCOM modeling and analysis in damping power system oscillations (2000) 35th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference and Exhibit (IECEC), 2, pp. 756-762. , 24-28 July Haqui, M.H., Kumkratug, P., Application of Lyapunov stability criterion to determine the control strategy of a STATCOM (2004) IEE. Proc.-gener. Transm. Distrib., 151 (3), pp. 415-420 Uzunovic, E., Cañizares, C.A., Reeve, J., Fundamental frequency model of static synchronous compensator (1997) North American Symposium (NAPS), pp. 49-54 Deckmann, S.M., Da Costa, V.F., A power sensitivity model for electromechanical oscillation studies (1994) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 9 (2), pp. 965-971 De Oliveira, M.C., Skelton, R.E., Stability tests for constrained linear systems (2001) Perspectives on Robust Control, pp. 241-257. , S. O. Reza Moheimani (Ed.), London, England: Springer-Verlag Noroozian, M., Anderson, G., Damping of power system oscillations by use of controllable components (1994) IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 19 (4), pp. 2046-2054 Yang, N., Liu, Q., McCalley, J.D., TCSC controller design for damping interarea oscillations (1998) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 13, pp. 1304-1310 Martins, N., Pinto, H.J.C.P., Paserba, J.J., Using a TCSC for line power scheduling and system oscillation damping-small signal and transient stability studies (2000) IEEE PES Winter Meeting, 2, pp. 1455-1461. , 23-27 Jan