dc.creator | D'Ottaviano I.M.L. | |
dc.creator | Castro M.A.D. | |
dc.date | 2005 | |
dc.date | 2015-06-26T14:08:24Z | |
dc.date | 2015-11-26T14:07:58Z | |
dc.date | 2015-06-26T14:08:24Z | |
dc.date | 2015-11-26T14:07:58Z | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-03-28T21:08:34Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-03-28T21:08:34Z | |
dc.identifier | | |
dc.identifier | Journal Of Applied Non-classical Logics. , v. 15, n. 1, p. 69 - 103, 2005. | |
dc.identifier | 11663081 | |
dc.identifier | 10.3166/jancl.15.69-103 | |
dc.identifier | http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33845518437&partnerID=40&md5=c7dcdaa4e19bdd18e7d769e1a1834ba4 | |
dc.identifier | http://www.repositorio.unicamp.br/handle/REPOSIP/93570 | |
dc.identifier | http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/93570 | |
dc.identifier | 2-s2.0-33845518437 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repositorioslatinoamericanos.uchile.cl/handle/2250/1240892 | |
dc.description | In this paper we present a new hierarchy of analytical tableaux systems TNDCn, 1≤n<ω, for da Costás hierarchy of propositional paraconsistent logics Cn, 1≤n<ω. In our tableaux formulation, we introduce da Costás "ball" operator "o", the generalized operators "k" and "(k)", for 1≤k, and the negations " ̃ k", for k≥1, as primitive operators, differently to what has been done in the literature, where these operators are usually defined operators. We prove a version of Cut Rule for the TNDCn, 1≤n<ω, and also prove that these systems are logically equivalent to the corresponding systems Cn, 1≤n<ω. The systems TNDCn constitute completely automated theorem proving systems for the systems of da Costás hierarchy C n, 1≤n<ω. | |
dc.description | 15 | |
dc.description | 1 | |
dc.description | 69 | |
dc.description | 103 | |
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dc.language | en | |
dc.publisher | | |
dc.relation | Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics | |
dc.rights | fechado | |
dc.source | Scopus | |
dc.title | Analytical Tableaux For Da Costás Hierarchy Of Paraconsistent Logics Cn, 1≤n<ω1 | |
dc.type | Actas de congresos | |