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An Alternative Aesthetic Restoration For Extensive Coronal Destruction In Primary Molars: Indirect Restorative Technique With Composite Resin
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Journal Of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. , v. 29, n. 4, p. 277 - 281, 2005.
Rabelo R.T.S.
Caldo-Teixeira A.S.
Puppin-Rontani R.M.
The indirect restorative technique with composite resin has presented efficient results when used in primary teeth. This technique enables the oral rehabilitation. Based on the results presented in the literature concerning clinical performance, this technique is presented as an alternative treatment to the primary teeth with extensive decay by showing a case of rehabilitation of primary molars. The oral rehabilitation using indirect resin composite restoration showed an important concept to be applied in primary dentition due to feasible, low cost, and lower chairside time. 29 4 277 281 Rontani, R.M.P., Gavião, M.B.D., Correr-Sobrinho, L., Soares, C.O.S., Moura, A.M., Influence of the onlay cavity prepare in the compression strength of primary teeth restored with composite resin (1999) RFO UPF, 4, pp. 21-25 Berg, J.H., The continuum of restorative materials in pediatric denyistry - A review for the clinican (1998) Pediatr Dent, 20, pp. 93-100 Imparato, J.C.P., Long, S.M., Trindade, C.P., Guedes-Pinto, A.C., Primary molars reconstructions through the indirect restorative technique with composite resin: Clinical and radiographic follow-up of 2 years (1998) RPG Rev Pos Grad, 5, pp. 133-137 Donly, K.J., Garcia-Godoy, F., The use of resin-based composite in children (2002) Pediatr Dent, 24, pp. 480-488 James, D.F., Yarovesky, U., An esthetic inlay technique for posterior teeth (1983) Quintessence Int, 14, pp. 725-731 Serra, M.C., Paulillo, L.A.M.S., Francischone, C.E., Aesthetics in posterior teeth: Composite restorations (1996) Robrac, 6, pp. 4-8 Silva, L.A.B., Cervical adaptation of prefabricated steel crowns - A clicnial study (1986) Rev Fac Odontol Ribeirão Preto, 23, pp. 191-197 Checchio, L.M., Gaskill, W.F., Carrel, R., The relationship between periodontal disease and stainless steel crowns (1983) J Dent Child, 50, pp. 205-209 Christensen, G.J., Restoration of pediatric posterior teeth (1996) J A D A, 127, pp. 106-108 Imparato, J.C.P., Miaki, S.I., Eduardo, C.P., Metallic restoration melted in Pediatric Dentistry (1997) Rev Paul Odontol, 4, pp. 4-8 Barreto, M.A.C., Imparato, J.C.P., Guedes-Pinto, A.C., Biological restorations in first inferior primary molars (1998) RPG Rev Pos Grad, 5, pp. 148-151 Mack, E.S., A restorative periodontic practice without amalgam (1970) J Dent Child, 37, pp. 428-434 Tonn, E.M., Ryge, G., Chambers, D.W., A two-years clinical study of a carvable composite resin used as class II restorations primary molars (1980) J Dent Child, 47, pp. 405-413 Leifler, E., Varpio, M., Proximoclusal composite restorations in primary molars: A two-years follow-up (1981) J Dent Child, 48, pp. 411-416 Tonn, E.M., Ryge, G., Clinical evaluations of composite resin restorations in primary molars: A 4 years follow-up study (1988) J A D A, 117, pp. 603-606 Vieira, G.F., Onlay estética em resina composta (1995) Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent, 49, pp. 131-134 Dias De Souza, G.M., Pereira, G.D.S., Paulillo, L.A.M.S., Evolution and Clinical Applications of the indirect composite resins (2003) JBD, 2, pp. 141-147 Vieira, D., Incrustração em resinas compostas (1991) Âmbito Odontol, 5, pp. 93-97 Vieira, D., Maccagnan, L.C.G., Indirect composite resin restorations - A 17 years follow-up study (1998) Rev Paul Odontol, 20, pp. 17-22 Chain, M.C., Baratieri, L.N., Restaurações indiretas de resina composta em dentes posteriores (1998) Restaurações Estéticas com Resina Composta em Dentes Posteriores, pp. 133-164. , Chain MC, Baratieri LN. São Paulo: Artes Médicas