Actas de congresos
Dynamic Characterization Of Thermo-resistive Micro-sensor
Registro en:
0780388798; 9780780388796
Conference Record - Ieee Instrumentation And Measurement Technology Conference. , v. 3, n. , p. 1647 - 1651, 2005.
Lira J.G.A.
Oliveira Jr. A.C.
Freire R.C.S.
Doi I.
Luciano B.A.
Swart J.W.
In the fabrication process of thermo-resistive sensors, the dynamic response of a sensor is a very important feature to be noted. The dynamic characterization of a sensor reflects his electric performance when submitted to power variations. By measuring these power variations, it is possible to evaluate some of the sensor's thermoelectric properties, and so optimize its physic configuration in the fabrication process and its subsequent use in specific applications. In this paper, the influence of the micromachined thermo-resistive sensors substrate in the determination of its thermal time constant is evaluated. © 2005 IEEE. 3
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