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Risks And Political Responses To Climate Change In Brazilian Coastal Cities
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Journal Of Risk Research. Routledge, v. 17, n. 4, p. 485 - 503, 2014.
Barbi F.
Da Costa Ferreira L.
Climate change is characterized as one of the most pressing issues in the twenty-first century. There are still many uncertainties related to the rapidity of these changes and how devastating they will be. It is recognized that climate change poses a major threat to important development issues such as water supply, food security, human health, natural resources and protection against natural hazards. Thus, modern society is challenged to manage growing risks and threats. In terms of responses to risks posed by climate change, it has been argued that governments are important actors that play a key role setting regulations, institutions and appropriate modes of governance in order to address these risks at different levels and scales. This article investigates whether climate change risks have promoted the construction of a climate agenda in some Brazilian coastal cities and analyses how climate change risks are being framed by local governments in terms of policy strategies and instruments in these cities. The analysed cities do not have specific climate strategies, but climate change risks have been addressed by local governments in their different sectors of activity. Our findings suggest that the responses to climate-related risks are blended with the responses to problems typically faced by local governments, such as floods, irregular land occupation, landslides on hillside areas, among others, which can be exacerbated by climate change. These responses are not in step with governmental actors perceptions and concerns, particularly with regard to risks related to sea level rise. 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