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Mitigation Of Harmonic Distortion By Power Electronic Interface Connecting Distributed Generation Sources To A Weak Grid
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2009 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference, Cobep2009. , v. , n. , p. 41 - 48, 2009.
Moreno R.M.
Pomilio J.A.
Pereira Da Silva L.C.
Pimentel S.P.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) In this paper a Power Electronic Interface (PEI) that integrates up to two renewable energy sources is presented. The generation of the different distributed sources is controlled through the DC link terminal voltage and the AC terminal voltage of the voltage source converter (VSC). The renewable source can be controlled to supply electricity to the local load and export the exceeding energy to the grid. The system is analyzed under distorted grid voltage, where the quality of the grid current is affected. Solutions based on resonant passive filters and on the injection of harmonics to compensate the voltage grid distortion are presented. © 2009 IEEE.
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