Artículos de revistas
As Famílias No Brasil Contemporaneo E O Mito Da Desestruturação
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Cadernos Pagu. v0 - n1 - p. 68-110 .De trajetórias e sentimentos (1993)
Ana Maria Goldani
AbstractDeparting from a social demographic perspective, I discuss changes in Brazilian families today and focus on various discourses regarding the changing family. I then present some of the more recent interpretations about family changes and a demographic profile of family arrangements in the 1980’s and discuss three ot the main arguments defending a breakup of he family in Brazil, which I critique, insisting on the complexity of factors associated with changing family arrangements and in the difficulties with interpreting these. Finally, I conclude that the family in Brazil has not been substituted by other institutions nor is it in decline. 0 1 68-110