Reforzamiento estructural para forjados de madera en edificaciones patrimoniales y contemporáneas
Enríquez Morocho, Daniel Ernesto
El desarrollo de sistemas de reforzamiento estructural para madera contempla un amplio abanico de conocimientos y experticias, por tal motivo, el documento inicia con una reseña histórica del material como elemento estructural; el cual ha sido protagonista en el campo de la construcción, a lo largo del tiempo. Para proponer refuerzos estructurales, de forma técnica, fue necesario determinar primeramente la resistencia y analizar el comportamiento elástico de la madera en sus dos principales ejes de actuación. Respecto a la resistencia del material, se ha logrado obtener muestras antiguas (vigas y columnas), de diferentes edificaciones, clasificando a las mismas según sus años de antigüedad, esto con la intención de definir sus deterioros según su edad a partir de sus capacidades mecánicas. La división ha sido dispuesta para trabajar con probetas de madera de eucalipto entre 100, 50 y 0 años de antigüedad, utilizando al último grupo de muestras, como referencia para definir los factores de deterioro. En consecuencia, se ha realizado ensayos de flexión y de compresión en el laboratorio, con el objetivo de definir la resistencia a esfuerzos y determinar las principales capacidades elásticas de cada grupo de madera. Las probetas utilizadas, han sido experimentadas de dos formas; unas han sido analizadas sin ningún tipo de refuerzo, y otras con refuerzos, aplicando varios sistemas, existentes y propuestos por este documento. Finalmente, han sido expuestos los principales resultados obtenidos por cada sistema de reforzamiento, los cuales han sido validados por sus diferentes ventajas y aportes dirigidos a mejorar la resistencia de los componentes de madera. The development of systems for wood structural reinforcement includes a wide range of knowledge and expertise, for this reason, this thesis begins with a brief historical review about timber as a structural element. Through many different ages of mankind, timber has been a leader in the field of construction. When studying timber, it is also important to understand the features that makes it strong structural element. These features include the defects, physical and mechanical properties, and more. In order to determine the structural capabilities of the eucalyptus wood, it was important to test many different samples. Samples were taken from the beams and columns of buildings ranging from 0 to 100 years in age. These samples were then taken to a laboratory, where they were bent and compressed in different ways to test their strength and elastic behavior. However, before these samples were tested, they were divided into 3 groups. One group, which consisted of new wood, served as a reference point for the results that would follow from within the other two groups. These other groups included wood ranging from 50 to 100 years old. In each of these three groups, some wood samples were reinforced, while others were not. By compiling these results, it was found that the bearing capacity of the wood from the eucalyptus tree worsened as time went on. Therefore, a deterioration age of this type of wood was found. However, in all three groups that were tested, the samples of wood that were reinforced proved to have a higher bearing capacity than the other samples of wood. Still, some methods of reinforcement proved to be better than others. Because of this, the advantages and disadvantages of each type of reinforcement were explored, which led to the creation of a new type of reinforcement that proved to be even stronger than the existing. Arquitecto Cuenca