Application of the suggestopedia method in the 5° of basic education in the San Pedro Nolasco primary school
Rivera, María Teresa
Verdesoto, Paulina
Suggestopedia is a method which helps to motivate students in order to learn English as a foreign language, in which students are included in the learning process. The present project is based on the fifth-grade students at San Pedro Nolasco Primary School, who do not feel motivation when they learn English. These students learn English with the traditional teaching-learning method in which they receive the information from the teacher and the textbook. For this reason, the use of the Suggestopedia method would be beneficial, so that students participate in class and build their own knowledge based on their previous experiences. The purpose of this project is to apply the Suggestopedia method to find solutions for the students motivation and the development of their skills. Our work is based on GeorgiLozanov Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación. Especialidad Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Cuenca