The use of role plays as an effective technique in EFL classrooms
LLiguichuzhca, Diego
Muñoz, Jhoana
Role play is one of the best ways to improve students skills like inventiveness, problem-solving, self-consciousness, and working in cooperation with other people (teams). We can define the word Role as the way a person acts in a prearranged position and circumstances. Role playing as a teaching technique is the conscious acting out and discussion of the role in a group. In the classroom, a problem situation is briefly acted out so that the individual student can identify with the characters. The complexity of the role situations must be minimized in using the method with children. But if we keep it simple for their limited attention spans, role playing can be used even in teaching students who did not get an elementary school level. Role playing can be beneficial for children in a variety of ways. Through role playing, children can learn about difficult or sensitive subjects. This teaching strategy enforces empathy, cooperation, and negotiation skills. It helps children identify with others in different situations. The creative play can teach them to see the world through other perspectives and develop good social skills. Role playing clearly encourages effective interpersonal relations and social transactions among participants. In order to develop a successful role play activity, the participants must accept the responsibilities of their roles and functions, and do the best they can in the situation in which they find themselves. To fulfill their role responsibilities, students must relate to others in the role play, making use of effective social skills Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación. Especialidad Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Cuenca