Integrating arts in the classroom
Moscoso, Diana
Vásconez, Pilar
The purpose of this thesis is to identify some perceptions about integrating arts in the classroom. It is based on an application class and the diagnosis and analysis of that educational experience. On the basis of on conceptual referents we develop the following topics: Moments of the meaningful activity; Meaningful Learning; Basic Education; Curriculum Reform consensus and learning English as a Foreign Language; Macro Curriculum; Arts and meaningful learning of English in Basic Education; and the Education Process. It is necessary to know the current situation of Basic Education in our context so we present the current unit plan and lesson plans. At first instance, we proposed two lessons plans; however the application allowed us to consider a new proposal which incorporates methodological strategies using arts during the whole period of class. In this way we hope to contribute in some way to the educational process and help teachers improve their educational practice Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación. Especialidad Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Cuenca