Diseño de un sistema de control visual para navegación de interiores usando fusión sensorial para una plataforma móvil diferencial.
2018-01Registro en:
Tinajero León, José Luis. (2018).Diseño de un sistema de control visual para navegación de interiores usando fusión sensorial para una plataforma móvil diferencial. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Tinajero León, José Luis
The aim of this work was to design a visual control system for interior navigation using sensorial
fusion on a Differential Mobile Platform. The research was developed about the Raspberry Pi
technology and its use with the Matlab software. The computer controls the position of the
servomotor by locating the camera from 0 to 180 degrees with 45° advances to capture the
environment instantly. The operations of erosion and dilatation of captured images and of the
database were developed, the purpose of these operations is to clearly obtain the contours of the
captures in order to verify whether or not there is an obstacle, in the visual system the correlation
of images were used. To the verification of the system, an Arduino Nano card with ultrasonic
sensors was used to detect if there is an object within the defined work area. If the two systems
agree on the sensed information, the robot makes a decision on its displacement, activating the
motors from the scrip. To verify the hypothesis, the experiment was designed in such a way that
it determines the level of efficiency of the control system in various tracks that vary in the number
of obstacles and the form of displacement. The ANOVA statistic was considered obtaining a
result of 15.62 in the value calculated from Fisher that compared with the critical point of the
statistic is 9.55 the Null hypothesis is rejected, accepting the original hypothesis of the
investigation. Finally, it is recommended to carry out an investigation to solve the errors found in
the visual control system due to the changes that may exist in the ambient light, that is, a lighting
system that adapts to the conditions of the system.