Propuesta para automatización y control estadístico del proceso de extrusión de polipropileno en la Planta de producción Inducuerdas.
2017-11Registro en:
Peralta Ortiz, Vilma Paulina. (2017). Propuesta para automatización y control estadístico del proceso de extrusión de polipropileno en la Planta de producción Inducuerdas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Peralta Ortiz, Vilma Paulina
The objective was to design and propose an alternative for the control of the process and
the automation of polypropylene extrusion, to reduce production losses and improve
energy consumption in the factory Inducuerdas, in the city of Riobamba, Canton Guano,
Province of Chimborazo, was considered the integral automation of the process of
extrusion of polypropylene in order to reduce the production costs that are currently
managed in the plant and improve the energy consumption in the production process. For
the development of the process, studies were established in the plant which the variables
were recorded and the possible alternatives for improvement were analyzed. We raised
efficient alternatives that reduced the consumption of electricity by 24% and reduced by
18% the loss of raw material waste during the extrusion process, through the application
of the industrial software was the improvements Raised according to the study carried
out. With the implementation of this project the executives of the company will have a
tool for control and monitoring in real time of its process and will be all the time
communicated with the State and condition of the plant, the system is in the capacity to
send Text messages alerting immediately so that the necessary corrective actions can be
taken, it can be concluded that the implementation of this project is an important tool for
making decisions related to the process Production of the plant and its investment is
recovered within a period of not more than six months.