Estudio para la optimización de la distribución de aire acondicionado en el interior de un autobús mediante análisis CFD.
2017-08-18Registro en:
Loayza Toro, Yuberth Paúl; Ramírez Herrera, Wilson Enrique. (2017). Estudio para la optimización de la distribución de aire acondicionado en el interior de un autobús mediante análisis CFD. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Loayza Toro, Yuberth Paúl
Ramírez Herrera, Wilson Enrique
The study of the distribution of air conditioning to the interior of an intercity transport bus through CFD analysis and validating the results obtained in the simulator with measurable data in in the passenger compartment of the automotive. The preamble of this Project is based in the lack of study on the implementation of an air conditioning system in public transport means. To start the study it has taken as a reference the stablished in the RTE 043 Ecuadorian Techical Regulation that stablishes an optimal comfort temperature of 23°C, generating an environment of comfort to the passengers. Achieving a comfortable environment through an air conditioning system leads to an analysis of factors such as the type of materials used for the construction of the passenger compartment, its conductivity and thermal resistance, the área occupied by each material, the number of passengers carried by the bus and the heat emitted by each of them, in addition to the distribution of the ventilation grilles and the capacity of the equipment used to climatize the volumen accupied by the people; all these parameters are mathematically developed and considered in the simulation with software in the CFD analysis. Once the analysis is done, the data is tabulated and the optimization of the termal system is analysed, modifyting parameters that alow a uniform distribution of the air conditioning, achieving that the cabin reaches the 23°C in the shortest time possible and the air conditioning equipment operates in less time intervals tan normal work, allowing system efficiency and fuel economy. The study was carried out in the car company METALICAS PILLAPA located in the Pelileo canton, city of Ambato, and is projected for later analysis of implementation in transport units model ALFA 700.