Diseño de un sistema de gestión de prevención de riesgos laborales para el camal del GAD Municipal de Riobamba.
2017-07-26Registro en:
Castillo Paredes, Tatiana Carolina; Cedeño Plaza, Miguel Ángel. (2017). Diseño de un sistema de gestión de prevención de riesgos laborales para el camal del GAD Municipal de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Castillo Paredes, Tatiana Carolina
Cedeño Plaza, Miguel Ángel
A Management System for the occupational risk prevention has been structured in the slaughterhouse of the Municipal GAD of Riobamba, covering Technical Management, Administrative Management, Procedures and Basic Operational Programs following the guidelines set forth in the OHSAS 18001: 2007 Standard and supported in the National regulations concerning the prevention of occupational risk such as: Health and Safety Regulation for employees and Improvement of the Work Environment as stated in the Executive Decree 2393, resolution C.D. 513 of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute, Regulation of the Andean Health and Safety occupational Instrument, manual of procedures for the inspection and habilitation of slaughterhouses and the Labor Code. The analysis of the current situation was also carried out and the results of the research provided a 62% insecurity rate, which determined the need and feasibility of a design of Management System for Occupational Risk Prevention in the institution. The occupational risk was evaluated by means of the Colombian Technical Guide matrix 45. And at the end of this stage the following values were obtained for each type of risk: 32.41% of mechanical type; 20.68% ergonomic type; 18.83% for biological factors; 16.67% by physical factors; 6.17% for psychosocial factors and the remaining 5.25% for Physical - chemical factors. Control measures were established for the risks that were previously assessed through the development of procedures, plans, programs and management activities, including safe working procedures to slaughter cattle, sheep, skin porcine and scorched porcine, involving aspects such as: The potential risks of the activity, physical requirements of the workers, general preventive measures, protection equipment and the necessary equipment to fully and safely carry out the task. Finally, documentation was developed to ensure compliance with the control measures proposed in the system.