Evaluación de una red de distribución óptica utilizada en el estándar GPON G984 para medir parámetros óptimos de calidad de servicio sobre Optisystem utilizando normativa CNT.
2017-10Registro en:
Manjarrés Altamirano, Holguer David. (2017). Evaluación de una red de distribución óptica utilizada en el estándar GPON G984 para medir parámetros óptimos de calidad de servicio sobre Optisystem utilizando normativa CNT. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Manjarrés Altamirano, Holguer David
The aim was to test the optical distribution network used in the GPON G984 standard to measure
optimal parameters of quality service about Optisystem using CNT normative, in which the
optical communication systems and technologies were researched, as well as the definitions and
terminology of the passive optical network technology with gigabit capability (GPON), the CNT
normative and the Optisystem programme were analysed; this allowed to obtain the important
parameters about a network infrastructure. The study took place at Izamba parish, 10
District, in
the Tungurahua province, where the existing network was examined; afterwards, it was developed
an instrument by which the optical distribution network was tested. At the end, the respective tests
were executed to determine the internet service performance and with the help of the Optisystem
software, as well. The results gathered by this analysis permitted to measure the internet service
quality parameters, they also aided to obtain characteristics such as: the Q factor and minimum
BER, which were satisfactory and are within the standards required by the CNT normative.
Finally, it is concluded that the GPON network testing for the Izamba parish was flexible, feasible
and trustworthy; and that it provided an excellent internet service, voice and video. It is advisable
to have a network based on GPON technology, since it has network security, low investment and
high bandwidth, including also the normative that defines the quality of service, and that CNT
considers at the moment of implementing a new design.