Evaluación del riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) relacionado con estilos de vida en empleados del Ingenio ECUDOS S.A. la Troncal, 2014.
2014Registro en:
Orozco Alarcón, Paulina Graciela. (2014). Evaluación del riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) relacionado con estilos de vida en empleados del Ingenio ECUDOS S.A. la Troncal, 2014. Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Orozco Alarcón, Paulina Graciela
The present investigation has as aim to evaluate the cardiovascular risk related with life styles (alcoholism, smoking, and physical activity level)in 80 employees of the Sugar Mill ECUDOS S.A from La Troncal in Cañar Province through a study not experimental of transversal type. It was taken the general data collecting; indicators such as: clinic, anthropometric, and biochemical, for this reason laboratory tests were made, furthermore it was used the following instruments: bio impedance scale, height rod, anthropometric tape, and blood pressure measurement. It was found an age average from 30 to 72 years in the studied population, with a nutritional state in which arises: Overweight 35%, obesity 35% and Coronary Risk measured by the Castelli Index 71% moderated, and 8% High. At the moment to evaluate life styles, it was found 25% high-dependency, and 75% low-dependency to Alcohol, 32,5% low-dependency, and 10% moderated dependency to Smoking, 54% with a moderated physical activity, 26% vigorous, and 20% slight activity. In the workers with high cardiovascular risk was observed a statistically meaningful relation with high dependency to alcohol, moderated dependency to smoking and a low physical activity level with which was shown the relation between cardiovascular risks and life styles, in the studied group; it is recommended to give continuity and monitoring to the made investigation and thus may intervene with the applying of strategies in improvement of the staff and in consequence of the institution.