Estudio de factibilidad para la implementación de una ruta turística como elemento dinamizador para el crecimiento y desarrollo económico en el Cantón Penipe, Provincia de Chimborazo.
2017-09Registro en:
Pilco Amanta, Jéssica Patricia. (2017). Estudio de factibilidad para la implementación de una ruta turística como elemento dinamizador para el crecimiento y desarrollo económico en el Cantón Penipe, Provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Pilco Amanta, Jéssica Patricia
The present work aims to present an alternative of economic development for the Penipe Canton by
proposing the creation of an organization of popular and solidarity economy, which bases its
operational activities in the use of the tourist attractions of the Canton. The research was conducted
in the field, which analyzed the study population that is contemplated by national and foreign
tourists who visit the Chimborazo Wildlife Reserve and the city of Baños, with a sample of 384
respondents. Data collection was done through: interviews, surveys, observation and analysis of
documents. Through the Market Study for Tourism of the Penipe Canton, it was determined that the
implementation of the Penipe Gran Señor Tourist Tour has a high percentage of acceptance in
national tourists (88%) and foreign tourists (89%), Such as hiking, horseback riding, camping
among others. It is concluded that the tour “Penipe Gran Señor” as a tourist route is a contribution
to the national plan of Good Living, and at the same time is a tool that aims to boost tourism;
giving to know strategic points that deserve to be visited in Penipe as well as its Parish Boards, thus
allowing to contribute to the growth and economic development of the Canton; once developed the
feasibility study for implementing a touristic route as an invigorating element it was determined that
it is a feasible and sustainable project with a Net Present Value (NPV) of 87.839 and an Interest
Rate of Return (IRR) of 28% was determined. It is recommended to the Municipal GAD of Penipe
Canton to implement the “Penipe Gran Señor” Touristic Tour as it allows to contribute to the
growth and economic development of the Canton.