Implementación de un sistema de transmisión de televisión digital basado en software usando SDR (radio definido por software), para el análisis de la factibilidad de la migración de televisión analógica a digital en Ecuador.
2017-08Registro en:
Guaño Alvarez, María Elizabeth. (2017).Implementación de un sistema de transmisión de televisión digital basado en software usando SDR (radio definido por software), para el análisis de la factibilidad de la migración de televisión analógica a digital en Ecuador. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Guaño Alvarez, María Elizabeth
The objective was to implement a digital televisión transmission system base on software, Using
software defined radio (SDR), to analize the technical feasibility of migration fron Analog to
Digital Television in Ecuador. Non-experimental reserach was developed with a qualitative
approach. The implementation scenario was deployed within the infraestructure of the
information and Communication Technologies Departament (DTIC) of a Higher School of
Chimborazo (ESPOCH), where the transmitter is virtualized and the receiver is a computer, both
computers contain system Linux-Fedora operating system in which the GNU Tadio tool was used
to perform the signal processing to subsequently send the video signal to the medium through the
output periperal of the USRP card. Transmission test with modulation and coding variations were
carried out by applying the 2k transmission mode, then the signal degradation was analyzed using
the subjective comparison method to determine the signal quality according to the combination
of modulation and coding, where they were obtained that the parameters applied, with wich a
better result was achieved were QPSK modulation with ½ coding. In addition, the software-based
transmitter and the conventional transmitter were compared to define the technical and economic
feasibility of the system implemented in the televisión migration In Ecuador, It is concluded that
the implemented system is a viable alternative to apply to the migration to digital televisión. It is
recommended to implement the system implemented in a university televisión channel to carry
out diffusion tests.