Evaluación Ex-Ante del Proyecto de Fomento Productivo de Fibra de Grapa de Poliéster, Comunidad de Shandia, Cantón Tena, Provincia de Napo.
2017-07Registro en:
Barreno Guijarro, Sandra Isabel. (2017). Evaluación Ex-Ante del Proyecto de Fomento Productivo de Fibra de Grapa de Poliéster, Comunidad de Shandia, Cantón Tena, Provincia de Napo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Barreno Guijarro, Sandra Isabel
The ex-evaluation of the Productive Development Project of polyester staple fiber was carried out
to achieve an adequate Sustainable Human Development of the comunity of Shandia, in the
Province on Napo. The research was carried out in the three stages, starting with the
contextaulization of capitals that influence Sustainable Human Development, for this we analized
the updated theoretical basis obtained in books, journals and scientific publications to examine
the evolution of development, allowing the design of 30 variables and 104 indicators for carrying
out the evaluation, the comercial, technical, productive, environmental, administrative, legal and
finacial viability of the proposal was determined in accordance with the SEMPLADES 2009
format, resukting in objetive demand (1,597,601 kg), VAN ($2,655,112.48), TIR (29%), RBC
(1.76), QE (889,936 kg), YE ($1,076,823.62), PE($0.90), MG ($0.31), CUV (0.56), and finally
ex- evaluation was done by designing variables and indicators and índices for each capital that
were ued were analyzed through the univariate comparison and variance with and without the
Project using the chi statistical test-square, determined tht the quantitative impact of the proposal
is positive. In conclusión, the implementation of the productive Project of polyester staple fiber
should be carried out if the weolfare index of the families of the community of Shandia is
improved. It is very important for the post-evaluation of the Project to work on the basis of the
capitals that promote Sustainable Human Development to demostrate that development is
balanced with the impacto n individual and collective well-being.