Combinación de dos curtientes vegetales en la curtición de pieles de cuy para confeccionar artículos de peletería Media
2016-05-04Registro en:
Iza Guamán, Geovanna Elizabeth. (2016). Combinación de dos curtientes vegetales en la curtición de pieles de cuy para confeccionar artículos de peletería Media. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero en Industrias Pecuarias). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Iza Guamán, Geovanna Elizabeth
In the laboratory of leather tanning, Faculty of Animal Sciencies, ESPOCH, leather tanning guinea pig was evaluated, we worked with 3 treatments corresponded to levels tannery plant mimosa (3,4y5) combined with 6% Guarango plant levels, modele don a design completery random chance, with 8 repetitions, the results infer that the best combination is 5% levels of mimosa vegetable tanning plus 4% levels of plant tannery Guarango (T3) as they improve the physical resistance greater ie tensile strength (1128,03N/cm2), elongation percentage(51,71%), Lastometria (10,60 mm), exceeding the requirements of quality leather fur, in evaluating the sensory characteristics, the best softness (4,75 puntos), touch (4,38 puntos) and fineness of flower (4,25), using lower levels of mimosa plant tannery T3 (5%) levels of mimosa vegetable tanning, since the value nominal was 1,29, meaning that for every dollar invested a gain of 29%, which is economically profitable especially in the condition of the country that emergently requires the creation of innovative enterprises and attractions such as the skin of the guinea pi gis expected. When using a tanning friendly to the environment as it is the combination of levels of mimosa vegetable tanning with vegetable tannery Guarango levels, higher profits is provided to the artisans of this country.