Evaluación del impacto socio-económico del proyecto de producción porcina en la comunidad Bella Unión del Napo, en la provincia de Orellana
2016Registro en:
Garcés Silva, Jenny del Rocío. (2016). Evaluación del impacto socio-económico del proyecto de producción porcina en la comunidad Bella Unión del Napo, en la provincia de Orellana. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero Zootecnista). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Garcés Silva, Jenny del Rocío
In the "Community Bella Unión del Napo" located in Joya de los Sachas County,
Orellana Province carried out a socio-economic assessment of 56 families
benefiting from the pork production project called: "Support for strengthening of
small producers in breeding, fattening and sale of pigs from the Community Bella
Unión del Napo, Parroquia San Carlos, Joya de los Sachas County". The
investment was financed by Decentralized self-governed Prefecture of Orellana
Province through the Coordination of Productive Development with $ 26.158,00
(American dollars), for the years 2012-2015. For the research organized surveys
and data sheets, identifying and characterizing the social and productive
components, which were statistically analyzed with measures of central tendency
and dispersion. The results allowed identifying the pig production in the hog farms
which are associated with infrastructure characteristics and production;
establishing a baseline that will allow the development of a plan for future
improvement to the planning and execution of new projects. The income for
benefiting families is $58,46 the average feed conversion is 3,62, the average
weight of pigs fattened for sale is 93,87 kg after 170 days of feeding and the
10,96% of pig production was useful to feed benefiting families. It suggests
building a database about socio-economic and productive characterization for
potential beneficiaries, to find and compare the impact of the intervention in future