Biofertilizantes Tricoderma sp (cepa harzianum) y Rhizobium meliloti más abono bovino en la producción primaria forrajera del Arrhenatherum elatius
2016-10-28Registro en:
Jaya Veloz, Hugo Santiago. (2016). Biofertilizantes Tricoderma sp (cepa harzianum) y Rhizobium meliloti más abono bovino en la producción primaria forrajera del Arrhenatherum elatius. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Jaya Veloz, Hugo Santiago
Three doses of Tricoderma sp (1, 2, 3 l/ha) plus Rhizobium meliloti (250, 500, 750 g/ha) and 10 Tn were evaluated in the province of Chimborazo, Experimental Station Tunshi, Faculty of Animal Sciences, ESPOCH, from bovine manure, the experimental results were analyzed under a Bifactorial Design of Completely Random Blocks. We used 27 experimental units with 3 treatments for Factor A and 3 treatments for Factor B. The 2l/ha of Tricoderma sp were reported to reach the highest height (35,11 cm), basal cover (32,33 %) and forage production in both green (4,94 Tn/ha), and in DM (2,25 Tn/ha). As for the evaluation of the production for the levels of Rhizobium meliloti, it can be seen that the fertilizer with 750 g/ha produces the highest yields of height (35,11 cm), basal cover (32,00 %), aerial cover (56,11 %), green forage yield (4,50 Tn/ha) and dry matter (2,03 Tn/ha). The analysis of the soil before and after fertilization reports a substantial change with an increase of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and organic matter. In the bromatological analysis, the content of protein (14,82%), dry matter (46,33%) and fat (5,14%) was recorded at the level of 3L/ha of Tricoderma sp and 750 g/ha of Rhizobium meliloti. Economically the highest profitability was obtained in the A2B2 treatment (2L/ha of Tricoderma sp and 500 g/ha of Rhizobium meliloti), because it presented a benefit/cost of 2,70.