Efecto del extracto de Aloisya triphylla (Cedrón) en la producción de pollos broilers
2016-08-19Registro en:
Aynaguano Ruiz, Cristian Fernando. (2016). Efecto del extracto de Aloisya triphylla (Cedrón) en la producción de pollos broilers. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Aynaguano Ruiz, Cristian Fernando
In Tungurahua province, Píllaro Canton, in San Miguelito parish, San Pedro de Cruzñan neighbor, the effect of extract Aloisya triphylla (kidron) at 2, 4, and 6% in drinking water in the production of broilers was evaluated comparing with a control treatment with 5 repetitions (TYR 10 chickens) giving a total of 200 chickens, distributed under a completely randomized design, for 49 days. The experimental results were subject to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and mean separation by Duncan (p-0.05 and p.0.01). The results showed and excellent performance with the addition of 6% (T3) verbena extract in drinking water in relation to other treatments, so that a final weight of 2331, 33 was achieved – 59, 57 g, weight gain from 46, 65 to 1, 21 g /day; FCR of 1, 93; the total feed intake was 4402, 00 to 16,82 g / bird with a marked reduction in mortality. In the same treatment (T3) nutrient intake was efficient and crude protein 15,37 g/ day; 201,68 metabolizable energy of Kcal day; water consumption 0,21 L/ day; As for the health of the chickens it was recorded that the parasite load was zero with 6% of extract with 97,5% (gram positive). In addition, the increased profitability is obtained, establishing an index of benefit/ cost $ 1, 19, which means a yield of 19%. For these preliminary results we recommend using this level of lemon verbena extract, since it increases the production parameters and improves the health of the chickens.