Comparación y validación de dos modelos matemáticos para potencia, torque y consumo de un motor de combustión interna Suzuki 2.0CC 16V DOHC con el dinamómetro automotriz para garantizar la precisión de sus resultados.
2017-07-10Registro en:
Torres Romero, Iván Camilo; Ayala Zambrano, Rubén Darío. (2017). Comparación y validación de dos modelos matemáticos para potencia, torque y consumo de un motor de combustión interna Suzuki 2.0CC 16V DOHC con el dinamómetro automotriz para garantizar la precisión de sus resultados. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Torres Romero, Iván Camilo
Ayala Zambrano, Rubén Darío
The present degree project was carried out based on the need to evaluate the results estimated by the thermodynamic Otto and CIMA models, through comparison between the experimental and theoretical data. The main objective of this work is to analyze the efficacy that these models possess to predict parameters mechanical performance as; power, torque and fuel consumption of an MCI. (Internal Combustion Engine), and which in turn it is highlighted the advantages that these mathematical models can offer facing software of design. Besides the utility that they offer in the area of engine design, repowering of engines, vehicular homologation, etc. Therefore, a vehicle Chevrolet Grand Vitara SZ was used with a 2000cc DOHC 16V engine, to perform the experimental test of power, torque and engine consumption on a MAHA LPS 3000 chassis dynamometer from the CCICEV Vehicle Approval Center, test which was carried out under the ISO 1585 standard. In addition, gas emission tests were carried out in stages ASM 5015 in order to obtain the air/fuel ratios that are developed in the engine. The respective calculation were developed, with the Otto Thermodynamic Model used in Automotive Engineering of the different universities of the country, and the Thermodynamic CIMA Model used in Mexico and developed by Dr. José Ignacio Huertas Cardozo, to elaborate the respective comparisons. Finally, correlativity results were obtained that indicate that the mathematical models have a very good capacity to predict parameters of mechanical performance, in relation to the results obtained in the experimental tests. Therefore it is concluded that it is not necessary to apply any correction factor in the Otto and CIMA Thermodynamic Models. The research paper recommends carry out the experimental testing in laboratories with calibrated certified equipment; since, in this way it can obtain results with high level of reliability.