Estudio de la influencia de la resina Urea Formaldehido y del catalizador Cloruro de Amonio en la fabricación de tableros contrachapados en la Empresa Enchapes Decorativos S.A.
2017-03Registro en:
Aucapiña Olivarez, Diana Maricela. (2017). Estudio de la influencia de la resina Urea Formaldehido y del catalizador Cloruro de Amonio en la fabricación de tableros contrachapados en la Empresa Enchapes Decorativos S.A. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Aucapiña Olivarez, Diana Maricela
The objective of this research Project was to study the impact of the quantity of UreaFormaldehyde resin and ammonium Chloride catalyst on the quality of plywood board adhesives manufactured using the wood species mascarey (Hyeronima Alchorneoides) in the company ENCHAPES DECORATIVOS. The aim was to find the best option for the bonding process, testing the amount of Urea Formaldehyde (UF) and Ammonium Chloride catalyst in the glue formulation currently being used. Previous studies have generated positive results that encourage further research using this type of wood species. Research test were conducted at the laboratory level using techniques and equipment that simulated the actual process. A 3 x 3 factorial experimental design was developed, where two variables were used: boards of 2,5 mm thickness and the UF/catalyst ratio, carrying out three tests for each dosage, and determining the quality of the glue in each test. The results were compared with the norms of the International Wood Products Association (IWPA-2011) numeral 5.6, with the Internal Standards of the company and with the statistical Chi Squared test. At the end of the research project it was determined that 54,585% of resin with 1.965% of catalyst is the best dosage to improve the quality of bonding of the plywood boards using mascarey as a raw material, this raw material was applied at industrial level in the company and it was concluded that it complies with the Standards mentioned above. It is recommended that this new formulation is used to improve the boding process in the plywood boards.