Evaluación toxicológica aguda de los extractos etanólicos de hojas de Passiflora manicata Y Passiflora tripartita sobre Rattus norvegicus por vía oral.
2017-02Registro en:
Bravo Yumi, Diego Francisco. (2017). Evaluación toxicológica aguda de los extractos etanólicos de hojas de Passiflora manicata Y Passiflora tripartita sobre Rattus norvegicus por vía oral. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Bravo Yumi, Diego Francisco
An ethanolic extract of Passiflora tripartite and Passiflora manicata previously collected in Pallatanga canton of Chimborazo province was done, dried, crushed, macerated, sonicated, concentrated on a rotary evaporator and lyophilized to have a solid vegetable sample in order to be dissolved in a vehicle which is propylene glycol for oral administration in experimental animals (Rattus norvergicus). The extract of the vegetable matter was carried out in the Polytechnic of Chimborazo in the School of Biochemistry and Pharmacy of the Faculty of Sciences, in the laboratories of natural products and in the facilities of the bioterium where the high-low dose was administrated for the 32 animals of experimentation. Rats were randomly divided into a control group and experimental group, to which were given a low dose of 300 mg / Kg and a high dose of 2000mg / Kg, on day zero a blood sample is taken from each rat for the hematological and chemical tests. On day 1 the extract is administered to the rats and clinical, physical changes are observed for 14 days, on day 15 samples of blood are taken to see changes in hematology and blood chemistry. Once the blood was taken, the necropsy of the experimental animal was followed to see the changes in the organs like kidney, liver, lung, heart and brain at the histopathological level. No mortality or clinical or hematological alterations were observed. Conclusions: The oral administration 300 mg / Kg and 2000 mg / Kg of ethanolic ectract from leaves of Passiflora tripartite and Passiflora manicata is not toxic in rats. It is recommended for a subsequent investigation to perform a subchronic and chronic study of 28 to 60 days at the same high and low doses.