Gestión de riesgos e implementación de la señalética en base a la normativa NTE INEN – ISO 3864 en el taller de CAD-CAM de la Facultad de Mecánica de la ESPOCH.
2017-01-25Registro en:
Guamán Zabala, Mariela Estefanía; Mayorga Villacís, Juan Pablo. (2017). Gestión de riesgos e implementación de la señalética en base a la normativa NTE INEN – ISO 3864 en el taller de CAD-CAM de la Facultad de Mecánica de la ESPOCH. Escuela SuperioPolitécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Guamán Zabala, Mariela Estefanía
Mayorga Villacís, Juan Pablo
The present work describes the Risk Management and Implementation of the Signage in Computer – aided design – Computer- aided manufacturing Workshop (CAD - CAM) of the Faculty of Mechanics as a contribution for the Institutional Accreditation related to the area of Industrial security and at the same time mitigates the risks that exist in this workshop for greater security both in administrative staff, teachers and students. The Technical Prevention Standard, (NTP) 330 was used for the identification and evaluation of risk to later fill the matrix proposed by the Ministry of Labor. Then, it was proceeded to the elaboration of the matrix of objectives and goals based on this tool was determined programs, projects, and activities that make up a preventive management plan for occupational health and safety. The proposed preventive management was elaborated following the guidelines of the “OHSAS” standard 18001 – 2007, among the main sections can be mentioned policy, mission, vision, organizational structure, training, use of personal protective equipment, waste management, project of engineering solutions, defense against fires, program of order and cleaning, program of attention of emergency and finally, program of signage. As a result we have the implementation of the basic vertical and horizontal signage which includes preventive measures, mandatory, signals of prohibition, evacuation fire protection and pedestrian crossing in Computer- aided design – Computer – aided manufacturing Workshop (CAD - CAM). The present work contributes to the fulfillment of indicator D 3.1 and D 3.2 equipment and functionality of the generic model of evaluation and accreditation of Higher Education Instructions, It is recommended the implementation of the plans, programs, projects, and activities in the management proposal.