Proyecto de inclusión digital empleando herramientas de las NTIC`S de software libre en el GADMCG, para mejorar las competencias laborales.
2017-03Registro en:
Illapa Guaicha, Byron Rodrigo. (2017). Proyecto de inclusión digital empleando herramientas de las NTIC`S de software libre en el GADMCG, para mejorar las competencias laborales. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Illapa Guaicha, Byron Rodrigo
This investigation allow to make the DIGITAL INCLUSION to the employees of the Decentralized
Autonomous Government of Guamote, <whose acronym in Spanish is (GADMCG)> by means of
Free Software Tools that supplies the New Technologies of the Information and Communication
(NTIC’S) with the aim to improve the labor competences . It was characterized the current situation
of the NTIC’s tools with which the GADMCG accounts for the work performance, they were
implemented and then was made a training about their use, application and the management of the
tools: Zimbra, Pydio and Moodle. This investigation was made over a Control Group (120 employees)
and of treatment (76 employees), the hypothesis was verified by applying of Chi-Square Test, since
the surveys were made a PRE and POST to the Control Group and the Treatment, respectively by
obtaining as quantitative results the improvement of labor competences related to the availability in
a 100%, usage 87%, knowledge (Zimbra 96.05%, Pydio 94.74%, Moodle 93.42%) and practicality
of 86% of the tools. It is concluded that the implementing of a Digital Inclusion project according to
the improvement of the labor competences. It is recommended to take as a pilot project to this
investigation and make its application as a community nexus agreement among ESPOCH and the
Parochial Decentralized Autonomous Governments, <whose acronym in Spanish is GADs> and
Municipals of the province by supporting to the investigation, training, and labor productivity.