Análisis microestructural, diseño del cigüeñal y la biela de una motocicleta de 4 tiempos – desagregación tecnológica.
2016-05-25Registro en:
Chávez Pucha, Héctor Vladimir; Gavilanes Carrillo, Jéssica Silvana. (2016). Análisis microestructural, diseño del cigüeñal y la biela de una motocicleta de 4 tiempos – desagregación tecnológica. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Chávez Pucha, Héctor Vladimir
Gavilanes Carrillo, Jéssica Silvana
This project is aimed to study, design and characterization of the crankshaft and connecting rod of a motorcycle with four–stroke engine and 125 cubic centimeters. Microstructure, hardness and spectrometry Tests of connecting rod, crankshaft and crankpin were performed each element was designed in Solidworks software, as well as, the crankshaft- connecting rod set is subjected to more strain was analyzed using a finite element methods software like Ansys. These tests generated the connecting rod, crankshaft and crank pin characterization; where by the material of each of the elements was specified. The obtain results of testing of the materials of crank- connecting rod set are the AISI 5120 and AISI 1050 steels. There is not this kind of materials in our country because these steels are manufactured specifically for the design and construction of shats, crankshafts and connecting rods, so we recommend using AISI 1045 and AISI 304 steels, because their mechanical and chemical properties are similar. In the thermodynamic calculation was determined that: the minimum force is 257,71 N, the maximum force is 16 128,23 N and the average force is 6 402, 01 N. With these forces, we can obtain the maximum and minimum effort being 1,10x108 and 57,69 Pa respectively, with and maximum safety coefficient of 15 and minimum safety coefficient of 3,36. With the results, it will provide for future domestic production and the decrease in import of connecting rods, crankshafts and crankpinks for a four – stroke motorcycle and 125 cubic centimeters.