Diseño y construcción de un prototipo de amasadora e hiladora semiautomática para queso mozarella en la Empresa Riolac
2016-07-22Registro en:
Sémper Bravo, Byron Manuel. (2016). Diseño y construcción de un prototipo de amasadora e hiladora semiautomática para queso mozarella en la Empresa Riolac. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Sémper Bravo, Byron Manuel
The Riolac company is located in the province of Chimborazo in Riobamba, it was designed and built a semi-automatic prototype for kneading and spinning of mozzarella cheese, it’s necessary to determine its efficiency compared to manual spinning, so two treatments were considered experimental that corresponding to two methods of mixing and spinning and each with 25 repetitions, distributed under a completely randomized design. The experimental results were analyzed by t'Student test, considering paired samples are considered with different variances. Processing 40 kg mass of mozzarella cheese with machine requires a person, unlike the manual method that it is performed with 3 people, in order to establish the cost savings and workforce of 2.24 + 0.04 dollars each 40 kg mass. Spinning time with the machine was 12.21 + 0.41 minutes, while manually was 24.32 + 0.32 minutes. The machine produces a noise emission of 75.32 + 1.11 dB, which is considered acceptable level of industrial labor, power consumption 0.46 + 0.02 kw per 40 kg of processed mass, at a cost of 0042 + 0.001 dollars, for it is recommended to use the semi-automatic spinner (prototype) for kneading and spinning of mozzarella