Curtición de pieles de cabra, con el 15% de diferentes curtientes vegetales
2016-06-15Registro en:
Guaminga Taday, Lorena Isabel. (2016). Curtición de pieles de cabra, con el 15% de diferentes curtientes vegetales. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Guaminga Taday, Lorena Isabel
In the lab of tanning skins of FCP ( Livestock Science Faculty) of ESPOCH, the goatskin tanning, with 15% of different vegetable-tanned it was done, 3 treatments were used, 8 repetitions with a total of 24 experimental units, which were modelling under a completely design to simple random. Through the tanning goat skins it was determined that tanning agent that provides better characteristics is the tare, because the produced material allows the confection of first class articles. The estimation of physical variables established that the using of tare tanning improves deeply the resistance to the tension (1814,30 N/ cm2 ), elongation percentaje (50,62%), and resistance to the dry abrasion (225 cycles). The sences evaluation allowed giving preference to the tanned leathers with tare specifically respect to the fullness and softness since in both a value of 4,63 points was registered and excellent condition according to the scale proposed by Hidalgo, L (2016), and also the better roundness (4,75 points). The objective of using vegetable tanning is aimed to the control of products that increase the polluting charge of tanning processes above all for the use of chrome III. The economic evaluation determined that the most profitable option is the using of vegetable-tare tanning because it allows a profit of 31% (B/C= 1,31) and above all the recuperation of capital is most quickly and less risky.