Curtición de pieles de Cavia porcellus (Cuy) con diferentes niveles de Glutaraldehído
2016-07-04Registro en:
Paguay Colcha, Lesly Iveth. (2016). Curtición de pieles de Cavia porcellus (Cuy) con diferentes niveles de Glutaraldehído. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Paguay Colcha, Lesly Iveth
The cavia porcellus (guinea pig) skin tanning using different levels of glutaraldehyde (10, 11 and 12%) with 5 repetitions and 3 skins of experimental size, a total of 45 skins under a completely randomized design, was evaluated in the skin tanning laboratory of Animal Science Faculty of Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH). From the resistance analysis results of guinea pig skin, the resistance values (9384 N/cm2) and shrinking temperature (87,80°C) got improved when applying 10% of glutaraldehyde, whereas the best elongation values were gotten by using 11% of tanning (88.50%). The best values for the sensor features of tanned guinea pig skins were gotten when using 12% of glutaraldehyde with the following values: fullness 4.40, softness and touch 4.60, whereas 4.40 with 11% of glutaraldehyde. Of the economic analysis with the benefit/cost relation, it was established that there is more profit using 11% of glutaraldehyde. Its use is important, since there are environmental and economic advantages. It is recommended to use 11% of glutaraldehyde because it provides the best resistance values. This is an important conditions to upgrade the guinea pig’s quality and price. Furthermore, it enhances the softness and touch sensor features, which are essential for the furrier market acceptance