Curtición de pieles de conejo con la utilización de diferentes niveles de curtiente vegetal mimosa para la obtención de cuero para encuadernación
2016-07-12Registro en:
Villa Escudero, Verónica Paulina. (2016). Curtición de pieles de conejo con la utilización de diferentes niveles de curtiente vegetal mimosa para la obtención de cuero para encuadernación. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Villa Escudero, Verónica Paulina
In the tannery skins laboratory of The ESPOCH, leather-tanning rabbit was performed with the use of different levels of mimosa vegetable tanning (12, 14 and 16%), it means, three treatments with 7 replicates and 2 size experimental unit using a completely randomized simple design. The results indicate that by using 16% of mimosa, a very durable, appropriate for bookbinding material was obtained. The greatest resistance of dry rub (137, 50 cycles) to stress (1417, 81 N/ cm2) was possible to tan with 16% of mimosa, while the best elongation percentage (55%) was recorded with 12% of mimosa. When using higher levels of mimosa the greatest infilling was recorded (4.57 points), softness (4.57 points); meanwhile, the best touch was obtained when using lower levels of mimosa (12%). The higher profitability was determined using 16% of mimosa, the benefit cost ratio was 1.39, it means that for every dollar invested a profit of 39 cents is expected, it is very encouraging especially in current times when the economic crisis forces to seek alternatives to solve the deficit of jobs. This research is a pioneering initiative, it uses raw materials that does not detract the ecological balance of our planet and especially a vegetable tanning agent that does not increase the pollution load of liquid waste from the tannery and thus avoid environmental damage