Evaluación de la eficiencia de la tierra de diatomeas como antiparasitario en el control de helmintos gastroentestinales en bovinos de engorde en la Estación Experimental de Fátima
Verdezoto Moncayo, Ramiro Javier
In the experimental station, Fátima belonging to the ESPOCH, located in Puyo city at km 11, Tena road, in the Pastaza province; it was conducted an analysis to three levels of diatomaceous earth (diatomite), 150 g / day (T1), 175 g / day (T2) and 200 g /day (T3), in the control of gastrointestinal helminths and beef cattle, versus a control treatment (T0) by using both, male and female cattle during their growth-fattening stage, under a completely randomized design (CRD), with a bi-factorial, combinatorial, arrangement, whose experimental outcomes were subjected to: The analysis of variance (ANOVA), the Tukey´s test in order to separate the average values at 0.05 and 0.01 of probability, moreover; regression and conrrelation. Thus, it was determined that when using diatomeaceous 175 g / day (T2) the best final weights were yield (187.50 kg), as well as weight gain (30.20 kg), reduction in the parasite loas in Eimeria sp (72%), Haemonchus sp (100%) and Cryptosporidium sp (67.84%), according to the sex of the animals; best final weights were reached by male cattle (184.10 kg), in contrast to those reached by female cattle (178,15 kg), weight gain (30.90 kg) for male cattle, whereas; (26.10 kg) in female cattle. The reduction of parasite loads in both, males and females was similar with an effectiveness rate to Eimera sp (70.89%), Haemonchus sp (100%) and Cryptosporidium sp (92.17%). The greatest profit was achieved with diatomite 175 g / day whose indicator shows 1.20, which represents a profitability of 20%. Therefore, it is suggested to use diatomaceous 175 g / day as a feed suplement for cattle since it reduces parasite loads considerably as well as it improves the productive and economic parameters in livestock production.