Evaluación de un acabado pigmentado con diferentes niveles de compacto poliuritánico en la obtención de cuero para vestimenta
2015-02-24Registro en:
Santana Oñate, Mónica Daniela. (2015). Evaluación de un acabado pigmentado con diferentes niveles de compacto poliuritánico en la obtención de cuero para vestimenta. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Santana Oñate, Mónica Daniela
ln the tannery lab of Animal Sciences Faculty at ESPOCH, it was assessed the implementation of a pigmented finish with different levels of polyurethane compact in order to obtain leather to make clothing. Different levels of polyurethane compact (300,350 and 400 g.), with 5 repetitions and 2 experiments for a total of 30 experimental units which were modeled under a completely randomized desing under bifactorial. The assessment of the physical resistance do not show statistical differences, however the numeric character shows higher results in leathers of T1 treatment (300 g/Kg.),for tensile strength (176,84 N/cm2), and in the leathers of T3 treatment (400 g/Kg.), dry scrub resistance (10709,00 cycles). In the analysis of the sensory quality the T3 treatment shows a higher covering power responses (4, 70 points), softness (4.50 points), naturalness (4,90 points), and touch (4,70 points),reaching the excellent rating. Replication of the research did not show statistical differences, both physical and sensory variables. The economic evaluation concludes that the application of higher levels for the manufacture of clothing ,reporting an economic profitability of 22% (1,22), than others similar activities. It is recommended to apply a pigmented finish with the application of higher levels of polyurethane compact (400 g/kg de paint), since it exceeds the quality requirements by the regulating leather entities.