Elaboración del Estudio de Ingeniería y Requisitos para la Adjudicación de una Frecuencia Temporal de un Canal de Televisión Digital Terrestre para la Espoch.
2015-11-24Registro en:
León Siza, Achic María, (2015), Elaboración del Estudio de Ingeniería y Requisitos para la Adjudicación de una Frecuencia Temporal de un Canal de Televisión Digital Terrestre para la Espoch, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba.
León Siza, Achic María
The study of engineering and requirements to petition for the acquisition of a temporary frequency of
a terrestrial digital television (TDT) was elaborated for Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
(ESPOCH). The first phase corresponds to a documentary investigation that shows an informative
panoramic about the related concepts to the television stations. For collecting and selection of channel
equipment, the geographical conditions of the coverage zone werw considered; a stage for the
analysis of distances, effective heights, topographic profiles, climatic factors and availability of
radio–electric spectrum was destined. The Budget of the televisión broadcaster, the proposal of
hierarchical broadcasting: point-to-point and point-to-zone, digital cartography and Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) by means of the software Google Earth Pro (beta versión) werw applied,
the simulation of televisión broadcaster was made with free software Radio Mobile; the calculus of
coverage was based on the Recommendation ITU-R.P 1546. By obtaining as results the study of
enginering, the programming grid, application package, and technical sheets. It is concluded that in
the cities of Riobamba, Guano and Chambo will be carried the service of terrestrial digital television
with the International estándar ISDB-T with a minimal field intensity to protect 51 dB microvolts /
m; the hierarchical composition of the channel is HDTV, SDTV and one second. In the programming
grid is proposed the incorporation of programming of progressive production. It is recommended that
ESPOCH uses the information of the study as base of the implementation of the channel in case of
the request presented in ARCOTEL (Agencia de Regulación y Control de las Telecomunicaciones)
be favorable.