Diseño de explotación de los depósitos auríferos aluviales profundos del Río Jatun Yacu, área confluencia, Tena.
2016Registro en:
Sarabia Palacios, Jimena Dalila. (2016). Diseño de explotación de los depósitos auríferos aluviales profundos del Río Jatun Yacu, área confluencia, Tena. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Sarabia Palacios, Jimena Dalila
This research proposes: to define an exploitative design suitable for deep terraces in the alluvial gold deposists of Jatun Yacu river. The Confluence area is granted by Terraearth Resources, S.A., Mining Company,it is located in Napo province, Tena canton, Puerto Napo parish. The method of open pit mining is applied, cutting and filling system with continuous progress in forming pools of 30 x 40m in longitudinal strips to the river with dry extraction with three bulldozers, two water pumps (suction and drain) and zeta gravel washing plant type, the desing is adapted to the conditions: geological and hydrological, geotechinical, economic and environmental reservoir, also it is based or justified according to initial studies of exploration, evaluation and calculation of reserves with a total volume 666,367 m3 of gold gravel to wash, it has an average grade of 0.22gr/ m3 and a cristal law 0,10 gr/ m3, considering the current technical, economic, environmental and social feasibility of the country, guaranteeing the stability of the proyect with optimal recovery, increased performance, safety and environmental mitigation processes. Economic analysis applied to the study area reported feasible exploitation. The cost per cubic meter washes ranges from three dollars. Base don the results of the exploitation of the deposit a desing model and a real technical and economic evaluation for the rest of a gold terraces evaluated simultaneously along the Jatun Yacu river Confluence forms the mining area will be obtained.