Implementación de señalética horizontal, vertical y equipo de mitigación contra incendios para la planta de lácteos de la estación experimental de Tunshi de la Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias de la ESPOCH.
2015-08-24Registro en:
Jiménez Maldonado, Jonathan Vicente; Quizphi Ojeda, Paúl Antonio. (2015). Implementación de señalética horizontal, vertical y equipo de mitigación contra incendios para la planta de lácteos de la estación experimental de Tunshi de la Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias de la ESPOCH. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Jiménez Maldonado, Jonathan Vicente
Quizphi Ojeda, Paúl Antonio
Implementation of vertical, horizontal signage and mitigation equipment for fire at the Dairy Plant Experimental Station in Tunshi at the Faculty of Animal Sciences ESPOCH was performed to improve safety and health in work areas by applying process sheets by activity and performing an analysis of the current situation through evaluation sheets. With indicators and process sheets proceeded to the identification of risks by applying the matrix at Ministry of Labour Relations (MLR), in order to analyze and qualitatively asses risks, using evaluation methods as William Fine , Meseri among others. With the result of the analysis and risk assessment it was preceded to the location of signboards to prevent the risks identified and mitigation equipment placement fire, it is mandatory for the use of standards such as: NFPA 10 (National Fire Protection Association), ISO NTE 3864-1, ISO 7010, INEN 440, ISO 23601, among others. Which become the guide for decision making at the time of implementation. With the implementation of this research will mitigate and eliminate risk factor causing insecurity, obtaining improve the working environment of workers and especially preserve physical and mental integrity of the persons working in the institution. It is recommended that the signal is removed when the fire has been eliminated and maintenance of portable fire extinguisher is performed every two years as determined by the prevention, protection, mitigation and fire regulations in Ecuador.