Caracterización de las alteraciones del aparato reproductor de la hembra bovina a nivel de camal
2014-11Registro en:
Kelly Alvear, Gerardo Enrique. (2014). Caracterización de las alteraciones del aparato reproductor de la hembra bovina a nivel de camal. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo: Riobamba.
Kelly Alvear, Gerardo Enrique
During the development of this research, the reproductive tracts of cows
were inspected to characterize the macroscopic abnormalities of the
genital tract that occurred in female bovines at the Municipal
slaughterhouse Fridge Ambato.
Before slaughter, animals were kept under standard housing conditions, no
details about reproductive history were known.
The genitals were removed immediately after animals were eviscerated.
Genitals were macroscopically examined by pathologic examination.
Genital apparatus underwent a detailed analysis in order to detect possible
vulvovaginal, ovarian, oviductal and uterine diseases that conform genital
The results showed that 25.10% of the inspected bodies had abnormalities
somewhere in the reproductive system; 48.27% of these, were ovarian
alterations from which follicular cysts dominated with 39.28%, followed by
atretic ovaries with 21.49%; 6.66% corresponded to adhesions of different
degree in the uterine tubes, presenting alteration of the oviductual
Moreover, the finding of 20.68%, within the uterus, was the presence of
purulent content corresponding to endometrial infections of different
degrees that covered 66.66%, with lower percentage in pyometra and
From all this this research, the most important finding, from a practical
point of view, was the large number of genital apparatus presenting
pregnancy, with 57.57% fron this percentage, 51.12% belonged to fetuses
of the second third of pregnancy that goes between 91-180 days of