Implementación de una aplicación móvil de realidad aumentada para el proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje de la flora del campus ESPOCH. Caso práctico: Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal.
2015-08Registro en:
Guamán Campoverde, Vilma Araceli; Cuvi Ocaña, Nelsón Joaquin. (2015). Implementación de una aplicación móvil de realidad aumentada para el proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje de la flora del campus ESPOCH. Caso práctico: Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Guamán Campoverde, Vilma Araceli
Cuvi Ocaña, Nelsón Joaquin
The implementation of a mobile augmented reality application as a technological tool to support the teaching and learning of floral species within the campus of the Polytechnic University of Chimborazo, specifically for students and teachers from of the Forestry School. For this three prototype applications developed with Vuforia, Wikitude and Metaio tools were made, and then a comparative analysis which was obtained as a result that Vuforia SDK is the tool with the best features to meet a percentage of 89.29% of established parameters, the SDK Metaio has 75% and the Wikitude SDK complies with 67.85%. Once determined to Vuforia as the best SDK mobile application called ARForestal which works together with a catalog of images of some plants and must be installed on a mobile device using the Android operating system like Tablets and smartphones with built-in camera was developed. The application was approved for a total of 60 students and five teachers of the Forestry School and evaluated through a survey in which it was determined that 96.9% of respondents think that the use of augmented reality in education if it is a technology that can help students understand more quickly and effectively the concepts and theories presented in its materials. 3.1% say they see as an effective tool for teaching-learning process as it sets aside the relationship and direct communication between teacher and student to substitute a virtual communication between the student and devices mobile. Therefore the use of augmented reality technology as a tool in the process of teaching and learning subjects in complex issues to levels of primary, secondary and higher education is recommended.