Elaboración del Plan municipal de gestión de Residuos Sólidos del cantón Mocha, provincia de Tugurahua.
2013-05Registro en:
Nájera Lara, José Francisco. (2013). Elaboración del Plan municipal de gestión de Residuos Sólidos del cantón Mocha, provincia de Tugurahua. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Nájera Lara, José Francisco
This research was done related to a Waste Management Plan Solid in the Mocha Canton, Tungurahua Province. Based on previous experience and continuous improvement of the environment, the environmental effect of solid waste on the quality of life in Canton was studied. With interviews with officials of the Municipality and the general population data was collected. This data was used by the municipality to develop a project that contributes to ensure the environmental sustainability of socio-economic development patterns, through the pursuit of efficiency , improving the quality and coverage of services garbage collection, water and wastewater. Also a technical study on disposal of waste and the participation of the people to be better educated on the handling waste were conducted. As a result of this investigation the Plan Solid Waste Management was elaborated which contribute to the design and implementation of strategies to identify ways for the proper management of the critical factors of each situation, and the opportunities of environmental management for the prevention and mitigation of negative social and environmental impacts. As conclusion of this project it was detected the lack of legal regulation, to allow proper handling of waste, in a technical manner. It is recommended that the City of Canton Mocha can create ordinances to regulate Solid Waste Management in its canton and the generation of jobs for the organic fertilizer production.