Influencia de la laringotraqueítis infecciosa (Gallid Herpesvirus 1) en el comportamiento productivo de Pollos Broiler en el Cantón Cumandá Provincia de Chmboirazo, y en el cantón General Antonio Elizalde Provincia de Guayas.
2014-12Registro en:
Rojas Oviedo, Luis Abdón. (2014). Influencia de la laringotraqueítis infecciosa (Gallid Herpesvirus 1) en el comportamiento productivo de Pollos Broiler en el Cantón Cumandá Provincia de Chmboirazo, y en el cantón General Antonio Elizalde Provincia de Guayas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Rojas Oviedo, Luis Abdón
A technical - scientific study was carried on in order to know, evaluate and verify
the influence of Infectious Laryngotracheitis (Gallid herpesvirus 1) in the growth
performance of broiler chickens in the Cumandá Canton province of Chimborazo,
and in the General Antonio Elizalde Canton province of Guayas. In the two
cantons, two sheds were evaluated in 5 annual batches for two consecutive years
as follows: C12S: Cumandá Canton 2012 Healthy; AE12E: General Antonio
Elizalde Canton 2012 Sick; C13S: Cumandá Canton 2013 Healthy; AE13E
General Antonio Elizalde Canton 2013 Sick. These data were analyzed using "tStudent" to evaluate different production parameters during the 120 days of
investigation. It was determined that in 2012, the chickens in the Cumandá Canton
recorded weights of 631.83 g. at 21 days, weight gains of 589.64 g., and food
consumption of 912.08 g., values that differ significantly from the chickens in the
General Antonio Elizalde Canton with weights of 606-50 g. at 21 days, weight
gains of 561.72 g., and food consumption 774.41 g .; in 2013, the chickens of the
Cumandá Canton recorded weights at 21 days of 631.57 g., weight gains of
582.51 g., and food consumption of 915.30 g., values that differ significantly from
chickens raised in General Elizalde Canton recording weights at 21 days of 618.29
g., weight gains of 547.31 g., and food consumption of 772.15 g., showing that in
the General Antonio Elizalde Canton was presented ILT disease in 2012. By
serological analysis with ELISA, it was determined that in the Cumandá Canton as
the General Antonio Elizalde Canton serological results were negative because it
showed lower values of 1700 BioChek title; in Cumandá Canton was from 735 to
1646 and in the General Antonio Elizalde Canton from 350 to 1643 of the title.
When the verification was performed in the General Antonio Elizalde Canton the
disease was not identified in 2014, for that reason it could establish that the
presence of the disease was in a mild form, since it did not present mortality, and
actually, the corrective measures are taken to control the disease.