Impacto de la Extracción de Aceite Esencial de una Plantación de Pino (Pinus patula) en la Población de la Comunidad Zhipta, Parroquia Jima - Provincia del Azuay.
2005Registro en:
Cazar Ramírez, Aída Antonieta. (2005). Impacto de la Extracción de Aceite Esencial de una Plantación de Pino (Pinus patula) en la Población de la Comunidad Zhipta, Parroquia Jima - Provincia del Azuay. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Cazar Ramírez, Aída Antonieta
Research carried out in the forest Zhipta community, parish Jima, Canton Cuenca, from January to June 2002. In order to characterize socioeconomically community; Establish performance of essential oil in a pine plantation 12 years old; Estimate the impact of the extraction of essential oil as a source of income for the community. Through surveys of 60 families could characterize socio-economically to the community; pine tree trimming was performed with needles, the extraction of essential oil was performed and performance, 0.12% was determined. The results determined that there are three types of families: one with male head of household, he resides permanently in place and its activities are: agricultural work and raising animals, they get their income family with temporary migrants, the family head man, temporarily migrate for agricultural work and one in which the head of household is a woman; revenues depend on agricultural activities and / or craft. Women have access to just primary education, boys finish high in a good percentage, they are responsible for farming. Agricultural production is potatoes and corn higher percentage, mellocos, vegetables, fruit trees and pastures. Animals is allocated a greater percentage of sales (56%) earn higher incomes. The community has limited access to basic services such as water, sewerage, electricity and phone access. Organizational development is weak. The development of this project extraction of essential oil of pine, could generate additional income for families, financial and feasibility analysis is estimated to contribute 6.4% to the monthly income for each family.