Desnutrición intrahospitalaria: ELAN - ECUADOR. Hospital Povincial General de Latacunga. Provincia Cotopaxi. 2011.
2012Registro en:
Domínguez Brito, Lorena Daniela. (2012). Desnutrición intrahospitalaria: ELAN - ECUADOR. Hospital Povincial General de Latacunga. Provincia Cotopaxi. 2011. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Domínguez Brito, Lorena Daniela
Hospital malnutrition: ELAN – Ecuador. Hospital Provincial General de Latacunga. Provincia de Cotopaxi. Malnutrition is a weakening condition because of the nourishment deficit, the increase of requirements caused by the metabolic stress of the clinic condition or situations of the individual which can predispose the nutritional decay. Was determined the prevalence of hospital malnutrition and sociodemographic determinants, clinical-surgical condition, hospitalization and quality of hospital care. Using the methodology of this study analysis was performed using two forms: Hospital Nutrition Questionnaire and Subjective Global Evaluation. The design applied was non experimental and cross – sectioned type where the variables were measured once. The source population consisted of in-patients at the Hospital; the elegible population, the patients over 18 who had a hospital stay over 24 hours with an open clinic history and a defined diagnosis; the participating population consisted of 150 patients. From the studied patients upon evaluating their nutritional status it was found out that 84.7% is well nourished and 15.3% was found to be moderately undernourished.As to the bad practices observed in the investigated patients 76% was acceptable and 24% regular. In conclusion, age, days of hospitalization and underlying diseases are related to the patient's nutritional status. It is recommended that the universities a continuing education program with government support to train professionals Dieticians Nutritionists in the area of Clinical Nutrition.