Desnutrición Intrahospitalaria: ELAN - ECUADOR. Hospital General Macas. Provincia de Morona Santiago. 2011.
2012-11Registro en:
Yumaglla Poma, José Isaac. (2012). Desnutrición Intrahospitalaria: ELAN - ECUADOR. Hospital General Macas. Provincia de Morona Santiago. 2011. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Yumaglla Poma, José Isaac
The Hospital Malnutrition Research, ELAN-Ecuador in Macas General Hospital. Morona Santiago Province, 2011, was conducted in order to determine the prevalence of hospital malnutrition and its social and demographic determinants, clinical condition, surgical, hospital care and nutritional quality. It was a cross-sectional pilot study with a sample of 150 hospitalized patients over 18 years admitted to the internal medicine, surgery, orthopedics, with a minimum stay of 24 hours, with open medical history and diagnoses defined. It was applied two surveys, Hospital Nutrition Survey and Subjective Global Assessment. For results analysis, the JMP statistical software version 5.1.was used. It was found that 93.2% of patients had good nutritional status and 6.7% were moderately malnourished. Relating fasting days with nutritional status, differences were found (well-nourished patients have 1.3 days of fasting and moderately malnourished patients 0.7 days of fasting). It was considered statistically significant (p = 0.0356). In conclusion, fasting days are associated with nutritional status and this result confirmed the hypothesis. As results it is concluded that the quality of nutritional care is acceptable and it is recommended to form a nutritional team.