Diseño de un Sistema de Tratamiento de Agua Residual para la Parroquia Bilbao
Alvarado Uvidia, Tania Isabel
A wastewater treatment system was designed for the parish of Bilbao, Cantón Penipe, Chimborazo Province. The same one that discharges domestic residual water, because there is no other type of activity. To design the system, water flow data were taken for a week to verify if it is constant or what variation it presents. Sampling was performed 3 days a week. With the results of the physicochemical and microbiological analyzes of the characterization of the residual water, it was verified that the parameters (D.B.O₅, D.Q.O and dissolved solids) the same that are outside the limits established by the current regulation by the TULSMA. Based on these results, the wastewater treatment system was designed, consisting of grids, septic tank, drying beds and an upflow anaerobic filter. With the application of the treatment system will obtain the 90% reduction in pollution generated by the parish, in compliance with established standards.
The implementation of wastewater treatment systems in rural areas helps to improve the environment and the quality of life of the same. It is recommended that the design of the wastewater treatment system be implemented in the parish of Bilbao.