Diagnóstico situacional del Camal Frigorífico Municipal de Riobamba a través del estudio de tiempos y movimientos; e implementación de una propuesta alternativa
2014-05-20Registro en:
Toapanta Yachimba, Aída Valeria. (2014). Diagnóstico situacional del Camal Frigorífico Municipal de Riobamba a través del estudio de tiempos y movimientos; e implementación de una propuesta alternativa. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Toapanta Yachimba, Aída Valeria
In the slaughterhouse refrigerator at Riobamba city was evaluated the
implementing an alternative proposal to improvement the processes of
slaughtering cattle and pigs. To the research was applied a methodology of time
and motion study before vs. after the implementation of the proposal; the time of
each area start in the volume stunning and concluded in the entry airing; being
obtained a decrease (P>0,05 and P>0,01), in the days of slaughter of cattle in the
following activities: lifting, gutted, split carcass, carcass washing and airing entry
with a reduction of 876,67 seconds. Similarly significant changes (P>0,01 and
P>0,05), were observed in the cycle of slaughter pigs in the following activities:
slaughter and bloodshed, lifting, scalding, depilated, carcass washing and airing
entry with a decreased of 475,71 seconds. Were increased man-hours worked in
both online as bovine slaughter pigs of 6,64 hours to 7,40 hours and 7,75 hours to
8,21 hours, respectively. The productivity increased in cattle and pigs of 1,85 to
2,04 cattle/man-hours and 2,75 to 3,01 pigs/man-hours. The profitability shows an
increase in the benefit/cost from $ 1,30 to $1,47. We recommended applying the
proposed improvement in slaughter processes thus reducing or minimizing
inefficient times, increases the man-hours worked, which are reflected in the
higher production and profitability economic for the company.